Thursday, 26 January 2012

Tell me another story....

This year I decided to do things a little differently for the end of the semester. In order for my students to review for their final, I had them do two things 1. work on a review package and 2. create a story using the concepts they learned in spanish 10.

I decided to use the website

My students were a bit reluctant at first but once they got started they were very engrossed in their writing.

Advantages of STORYBIRD:
- you have access to the students account
- quick easy access to students' assignments no more filling up of your mailbox
- students choose set of pictures they want to use for their story

Disadvantages of STORYBIRD:
- students can't modify pictures which many of my students wanted to do, as well as use pictures from different sets
- you can't view the students' work process unless they publish the story, therefore making it hard to give students feedback before they do their final product.

The students came up with some incredible stories! It was fabulous!
This project worked really well because as I have mentioned before at my school there are only a few working laptops making it difficult to have the entire class working on the project at the same time.
So I ended up having half the students working on their storybird and the other half working on the review package. We did this for about a week so one day one group would have the entire class to work on their storybird and the other group working on the review package and vice versa until their stories were completed.
The students really enjoy their story writing, One student even commented "That was fun"

Here are some wonderful examples [I wish I could put all of them up]
One student was creative in that he decided to do his story as a diary entry format.

La Historia de Capitán Rivero by spanish1026 on Storybird

Un día como todos los días by Spanish1024 on Storybird