Saturday, 18 May 2013

IPAD - Clothing project bookcreator

IPAD - Proyecto de Ropa using Bookcreator

Using the app: book creator: I have done a few activities with my students. Here are two project I had my students do around the theme of clothing

Activity 1: students were to find five pictures/photos on the web of clothing that they found interesting and write a description about what they saw.

TIME FRAME: about a week


I also did a three part activity, again using the app: bookcreator

Activity 2:
Part 1: Using the recording: I had students pretend they couldn't go to the mall because they had a huge test to study for or they were grounded, so they had to leave a voicemail for their friend who was going to go shopping because it was boxing day. They needed to let their friend know which items they wanted/prefer and the color, and price [they needed to use the vocab and grammar we had learned] The hardest part for them was not being able to write down what they were going to say I only allowed them to write down the items/prices/colors but nothing else. They spent at least 5 minutes thinking about how they were going to start and what they were going to say. I think that if I do more activities like this it will help them develop their oral skills which in turn can help them be able to have a spontaneous conversation.

Part 2 : Students needed to bring pictures of the items they had mentioned and they posted them around the classroom in the corresponding colours. So their item needed to be in the colour and the price they mentioned in their recording. Then they needed to exchange their ipads with another classmate, their classmate was to listen to their recording and go around the classroom and take pictures of the items their classmate had mentioned in their recording.

Part 3: their classmates had to make an ibook, in which they used the pictures they had taken and write sentences about what their classmate wanted but what they preferred instead [Tomas quiere la camisa amarilla pero yo prefiero la camisa blanca]

What I saw was students were learning a lot, they were practicing listening, oral, written and visual. I thought this was a fabulous activity, I never imagined that I could incorporate so much in one activity.

To finish it off, I had students do a peer evaluation, they were to evaluate the partner they had worked with: on both written and oral, for the most part this was done well. Some even provided examples of what their partner had done well or what their partner could improve on. 

TIME FRAME:  about a week

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